Arun Ganguly Promotes Stakeholder’s Involvement in Business
E-commerce has completely changed the scenario in the commercial world and the roles of the stakeholders have assumed a vital transformation. A business can develop when all the stakeholders contribute their parts and develop a sense of belonging towards the enterprise where they are working or with which they are associates. Arun Ganguly adopts a different path away from the beaten track. The new pathway is that of collective leadership for an entity. Unique Pathway of Arun Ganguly The unique path adopted by Arun Ganguly is the use of collective leadership substituting the standard pathway. The standard practice in the industry is consolidating the decision-making power with an individual or a small group operating from the headquarters. The concept of leadership is different for Ganguly as he aims to decentralize the process. Thus every person associated with the client’s business assumes the Role of business leader in some form or other. E-commerce and Business Leader ...